The City Council is the legislative body responsible for the overall policies of the city. The Council makes all policy determinations through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions at City Council meetings and has final authority in the implementation of these policies. The City Council also hears presentations and encourages the expression of views and opinions by citizens on any matter of community interest that is within the Council’s authority.
Start Time: 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Day: 1st & 3rd Monday of every month
If the meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be conducted the following day (Tues).
Location: City Council Chambers
181 W. Harrison St.
Warsaw, Mo. 65355
Phone: 660-438-5522
In addition to regular meetings, the city can meet on an as-needed basis as follows:
- Special Meetings: Meetings outside the normal schedule.
- Study Session: Meetings with staff to discuss current issues. These meetings may be noticed as regular or special meetings. Their goals for the council to be briefed publicity upon current issues by staff, and to provide feedback. Generally, the council does not take action on items discussed in the study session. These meetings are open to the public, which may provide public comment to the council on the study topic.
- Closed Session: Meetings to address personnel, real estate or litigation matters. For reasons of confidentially, these sessions are closed to the general public. However, members of the public may speak on the closed session item(s) and any reportable action(s) that are reported after a closed session.