In memory of Benton County veterans who gave their lives in preserving freedom so that all of us can live free of tyranny. Let us not forget these brave individuals who died so that we can truly call our nation the home of the brave and the land of the free.

In Honor Of: Those who gave their lives in preserving freedom.

Marker Text: In memory of Benton County veterans who gave their lives in preserving freedom so that all of us can live free of tyranny. Let us not forget these brave individuals who died so that we can truly call our nation the home of the brave and the land of the free.

Date of dedication: 31 May, 1993

Who Put it Here?: The Citizens of Benton County.

Description of Memorial: In the center of town. State historical marker on courthouse lawn, with two Butterfield stage markers. The funeral home just off the corner of the courthouse lawn is the original Butterfield Stage Relay station building. The towns original bank building was converted into a jail in 1912, and is still used as such. In the street at the NW corner of the courthouse lawn is the original steel marker from which the town was platted. Truman Dam is just north of town, and a huge lake, creating Harry S. Truman Reservoir.